Martha Sue Hall
Title: Mayor Pro Tem
Municipality: City of Albemarle
Position Interested In: First Vice President
Tell us why you would like to serve in a leadership position at the League. In particular, specify goals you would like to accomplish as an officer or board member and indicate how, if attained, they will help to achieve Vision 2030 – the League’s future vision of how cities and towns will operate in 2030.
I have been on the NCLM Board of Directors (Board) for three short terms. In 2014, I was elected to a two-year term on the Board and also appointed to the RMS Board (at that time there was a seat on the RMS Board for a NCLM Board member - this seat no longer exists). I finished my two-three year terms on the RMS Board in 2020. In 2021, I was appointed to serve on the Board in one of the President’s Appointments. I was also appointed to the Executive Committee that year. In 2022, I was elected to serve a two-year term in an At Large Seat. In April 2023 I was elected as the Second Vice President and I am ready for the next challenge and opportunity.
I was on the Board during the development of Vision 2030. It seems like yesterday that this plan was only a vision ….and now in less than seven years we will be in 2030. This plan was a very involved process using the time and talents of many individuals who genuinely cared for the future of all towns, cities, and villages in our great state. The product developed is a wonderful guide no matter the size of the municipality. The Five Planning Pillars are truly a roadmap to make our entire state a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. The process in the development of Vision 2030 was as important as the plan itself….as usually the journey is as important as the destination.
Cities, towns and villages in our state are each in a time of change and important decision making. The Pandemic of 2020/21 taught us many lessons. It quickly became evident to every local elected official that we (no matter where we live) are not alone; we all face the same issues and we must work with other elected officials in our counties and region. The Six Operating Principles are “right on target” as we continue to work through the back side of the pandemic. One of the most important decisions that all local elected officials are currently having to make is how to most efficiently use their ARPA Funds.
Some of the goals I would like to accomplish.
Promote the “worth” of Public Service Employees (active and retired).
Encourage every elected official to work with other elected officials from the “courthouse to the White House”.
Support the "rebirth" of the Foundation.
Create Youth Councils to instill in our youth the importance for good government.
Provide for good leadership in the development of “our” property in downtown Raleigh.
Tell us about your experience as a municipal official. You may want to include information on your service on the municipal governing body, other related boards and special areas of interest.
In 1994, I was the first female County Commissioner ever elected in Stanly County. I served on that Board of Commissioners for six years. In 2003, I was first elected to the Albemarle City Council and am now in my 20th year as a Municipal elected official. In 2015, my fellow members elected me as Mayor Pro-Tem and have I served in that role since that date. During both my County Commissioner terms and City Council terms I have been on the Regional COG Board, Executive Board and have chaired the Regional Council for three years. I have always been active at the local, regional, state and national levels of both County and City governments. I am currently the Centralina Delegate to the NCRCOG. (See my resume for additional information).
For the past 17 years I have consistently been re-appointed to the State Child Fatality Task Force (by the Speaker of the House) as the representative for the NCLM. In this role I am regularly with members of the General Assembly and state agencies discussing the issues around keeping our children safe. In 2012, I was elected to Co-Chair the Unintentional Death Prevention Sub-Committee of the State Child Fatality Task Force. I am still in that role
Tell us about your educational background, professional experience, and/or community or civic activities.
I have lived in Stanly County my entire life. I have an Associate Degree from Stanly Community College; a Bachelor’s Degree from Gardner-Webb University and a Master’s Degree from NC A&T State University. I also received a Court Administration Certification from Michigan Sate University. I was employed by the State of North Carolina (Administrative Office of the Courts) for over 30 years having retired in 2014. During my career I worked in five counties developing, leading, piloting many different court initiatives (Guardian ad Litem; Victim Witness Program; Juvenile Court Reform; Family Court and DWI Treatment Courts). Many of these programs have been replicated across our state. Between my work and elected careers, I have seen and been a part of state, county and municipal governments.
At the time of my retirement, I was honored to receive the Order of the Longleaf Pine. I am a graduate of Leadership North Carolina; a fellow of the North Carolina Institute of Political Leadership and a fellow of the American Leadership Forum.
I have been involved and/or still involved with Special Olympics; North Carolina Retired Governmental Employees’ Association; Civitans; YMCA Learn to Swim (teaching swimming lessons to Second Graders); play piano and lead hymn sings at a local nursing facility and many other “help” organization.
Have You Participated in Any NCLM Events or Committees?
CityVision Annual Conference
Town & State Dinner or Town Hall Days
Legislative Goals Planning Events or Process
Regional Meetings
Legislative Lobby Days
Legislative Policy Committee
Technical Advisory Committees
Please provide any other information you would like the Nominations Committee to consider.
I am ready for the next step in leadership!
Let's Go Team!!!