Marjorie Molina
Title: Council Member
Municipality: City of Charlotte
Position Interested In: Cities over 200,000 - Charlotte
Tell us why you would like to serve in a leadership position at the League. In particular, specify goals you would like to accomplish as an officer or board member and indicate how, if attained, they will help to achieve Vision 2030 – the League’s future vision of how cities and towns will operate in 2030.
As a passionate advocate for effective local government, I am eager to serve on the North Carolina League of Municipalities executive board. Drawing from my extensive experience as a community organizer, National League of Cities, and N.C. League of Municipalities participant, I am committed to leveraging my skills and knowledge to champion the interests of municipalities across North Carolina. My goal is promote policies that enhance governance, empower communities, and foster equitable development throughout our state.
Tell us about your experience as a municipal official. You may want to include information on your service on the municipal governing body, other related boards and special areas of interest.
I bring a wealth of firsthand experience and insight to the table. As a local elected leader I champion evidence-based policies and systems that address opportunity gaps. Since taking office in 2022 I have supported policies with measurable changes for the community I represent and all City of Charlotte, N.C. residents. In practice I voted for, and received unanimous support from my colleagues, to add $5 million dollars to the Corridors of Opportunity Project and add $4.2 million dollars to reduce the tax bills of Charlotte residents and more.
I currently serve as the Vice Chair of the Transportation, Planning, and Development and I am a member of the Jobs and Economic Development committees for the City of Charlotte.
With a proven track record of leadership, advocacy, and community engagement, I am poised to serve effectively on the board of the N.C. League of Municipalities. I am uniquely prepared to help implement the NCLM Vision 2030 plan. The five planning pillars and six operating principles are important to Charlotteans and the work I carry out daily. I am ready to ensure the same optimal outcomes for our cities, towns, and villages across North Carolina as an executive member of the board.
Tell us about your educational background, professional experience, and/or community or civic activities.
I hold a Master of Science in Management degree from UNC Charlotte, Belk College of Business; Bachelors of Arts in Liberal Studies from Arizona State University. I also obtained a comprehensive certificate from Arizona State University in Business Analysis. I hold an Associate of Arts degree from Central Piedmont Community College and a comprehensive certificate in Project Management, also from Central Piedmont Community College.
I have been a small business owner in Charlotte, N.C. since 2007. I have an extensive professional background in banking, variable corporate settings, and public service to offer to this leadership role.
I am a fluent English and Spanish language speaker with a passion for diversity and equity.
Have You Participated in Any NCLM Events or Committees?
CityVision Annual Conference
Town & State Dinner or Town Hall Days
Regional Meetings
Affiliate Organizations: Women In Municipal Government (NCWIMG), N. C. Black Elected Municipal Officials (NCBEMO), Community and Economic Federal Advocacy Committee, Women in Municipal Government (WIMG), Race Equity, and Leadership (REAL), National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO)
Please provide any other information you would like the Nominations Committee to consider.